Thursday, May 30, 2013

Starting with the Basics

 The ultimate "basic" in any form of engineering feat, is safety.  Sometimes people ignore it when they are fledgling mechanics and I can's say I blame them for it as it can be very expensive.  In the end however I cannot stress enough the concept of basic safety devices that exist today such as the seat belt or pilot protection.  The seat shall have a cushioning system as well to reduce rearward impact after retracting from the forward position.  The airbag will also be auto deflating upon ending of movement of the machine.  These are the standard and will come not as an option but a basic feature.  I will never skimp on the safety of myself or my crewmen.  So why should I skimp on yours? 

Regardless of if I'm making this mech "cheap" or not, I'm by no means going to allow it to be a safety hazard to whoever mans the cockpit.  Safety features will include a 5-point harness system and airbag feature which will keep the pilot glued to the seat in the rare event of some kind of rolling, collision, or otherwise catastrophic event that would send the pilot in a rather discomforting flight. 

In order to create stability for the mech and reduce chances of tipping for whatever reason it will be on an octahedral design on either tracks or wheels depending on service environment and can there will need to be a system in place to change between the two.  You shall receive both systems and appropriate training on utilizing them so you will not fear either summer roads or winter snows. 

An included system will be a type of "fly-by-wire" set up that will notify you of the overall condition of your machine, your heart rate, amount of fuel remaining, and land speed as with a standard car save for the heart rate and vehicle status.  For the vehicle to remain operational even if the electrical systems are damaged, there will be a 6x redundant electrical system and a back up mechanical system for continued control in the event of catastrophic failures. 

A further safety feature included needs to be internal spall armor which will protect the pilot from fragmenting metals inside of the vehicle should outside force be applied in extreme ways. 

This is the first blog statement involving actual design aspects of the mech.  I have yet to name the project so for the time being I shall call it Project 01.  When I come up with an appropriate name I shall leave a post stating this.

Signing off. 

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